06-19-2002, 01:54 PM
And I'm just the opposite, harhar. I'd rather fish a lake than a river. Guess it doesn't matter as long as we're both catching fish and enjoying Mother Nature. The only experience I have fished rivers is in my mispect youth in Texas; Brazos, Bosque, Leon and a few others. Of course fly fishing wasn't in vogue back then, it was considered a sissy way of fishing. A rod thick as your thumb, used spark plugs for weight and a reel big and stout enough to hold 300 yds of 50 # test line was the order of the day. I have nothing against fly fishing, it just isn't for me. I have used flies though. 2# leader ahead of a clear, plastic bobber with the selected fly on the end. Never did catch anything this way but I tried.<br> On the way to Lake Sylvan is a fork in the road to go eastward to a camp ground. There are beaver ponds there and I watched trout jumping, lots and lots of mosquitoes and very few people. Is the number of fishermen directed related to the number of blood-thirsty, dive-bombing, quick as greased lightening, determined and thick as an ash cloud of mosquitoes in the area? There must be a mathematician somewhere who can work out the formula. Might open up a entire new area of math and put some out-of-work scientists to work. Call it "Fish Math for Beginners" or something like that. <br> Sorry, harhar. I get to rambling once in a while and off on another tangent. I've enjoyed talking to you. Happy fishing.<br><br>