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Recent fishing report for Washington 6/29
Yakima River - June 24th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]The Avid Angler[/#0000ff][/url]
RECORDED: [Image: sun.gif] 80 ° [Image: blackSpacer.gif] FISHING: Good
As of this date, the Yakima is flowing at about 2700 cfs, which means that wading access is limited. Plan on fishing from a boat until the cfs drops down to 2200 or less. This doesn't mean the Yak won't fish well, it just means that those of us without boats will have very limited ability to wade and fish easily.

Check on the river level here [url ""][#0000ff](Yak River Level)[/#0000ff][/url] to stay tuned in to the flows.

I would plan on fishing large stonefly nymphs and smaller nymphs (such as copper johns, lightning bugs, Morrish Anato-mays and bead head mangy caddis) in tandem. For dries, I would still look for PMD hatches and a good old sparkle dun in size 16 and 18 will suffice here. I would also have some golden stone fly imitations (Paralyzer - 8, Terranasty - 8, and yellow stimulators - 8, 10) and plenty of caddis dries (X-Caddis 14, 16).

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Re: [tubeN2] Recent fishing report for Washington 6/29 - by tubeN2 - 06-29-2004, 04:29 PM

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