07-01-2002, 09:12 PM
in the olden daze we were tought by the old timers to nail the cat fish to a tree or teliphone pole to skin them.<br><br>If your a tree hugger like I am and the neibors dont like you comming in to their yard and nailing your fish to their phone pole (and they wont join ya for a cat fish fry) then I would strongly sujest that when you clean them that you use them wire cutters and cut them fins close to the bodie before handling them.<br><br>Then when you clean them you can treat them llike any other fish. Fillet em and flop em on their side then skin.<br><br>O' by the way you will only get stung 4 or 5 times befor you become a master at handling them cats.<br><br>dont forget to envite me to your next cat fish fry<br><b> "Have Plate Will Travel"</b><br><br><A HREF="http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/MESS6438/" target="_new">http://myweb.ecomplanet.com/MESS6438/</A> <br>Recycle your old Equipment<br>Dave T. Clown