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gay fishing clubs
acualy that is not a bad idea<br>there are a lot of spear fisherman who love to snorkel the reefs with their spear guns.<br><br>I can only emagin the spactacular sites they see (fish, corals, and what ever else the ocean has to offer)<br><br>I enjoy watching them under water shows on tv. <br><br>that comment may have been hostile in intent but does makes me wonder how many fresh water and salt water snorkel fisherman visit this site.<br><br>special note for that anonomoose comment.<br>your comment is just as bad as those peta perps who try to force others to live their way.<br><br>so long as they dont condem me I dont condem them should be yur motto. (if ya dont like it, then I hope a peta person moves next door to you and then just maybe you will learn the good neibor policy)<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Recycle your old Equipment<br>Dave T. Clown

Messages In This Thread
gay fishing clubs - by Fishnfun - 06-25-2002, 08:29 PM
Re: gay fishing clubs - by davetclown - 06-25-2002, 08:38 PM

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