07-04-2004, 10:40 AM
the draw back is a good point. You should master this before ever leaving the target range. That is just plain slopyness and is the leading cause of injured to wonder off dead deer. I see so much of this during rabbit season every fall. deer had wondered off to die on main trails in the woods by people who dont belong in the woods. nothing irritates me more to see such a waist and is just plain "P" poor sportsmanship. It is so important to have a good attitude about learing and developing the how to's.
there is so much involved in hunting deer that if you did not grow up under your pappie's wing you realy need to spend a conciderable amount of studing hunting and tracking tecneques.
I am not saying dont go, I am saying getting the shot of is not what the sport is all about. there is so much more to this sport in developing the nessasary skills needed. But when you do take a shot you need to know for a fact that your arrow is going where intended. just like riffle hunting, there is nothing more dangerous than a fleeting projectial [pirate]
Thanks Jerry for bring this point to attention.
there is so much involved in hunting deer that if you did not grow up under your pappie's wing you realy need to spend a conciderable amount of studing hunting and tracking tecneques.
I am not saying dont go, I am saying getting the shot of is not what the sport is all about. there is so much more to this sport in developing the nessasary skills needed. But when you do take a shot you need to know for a fact that your arrow is going where intended. just like riffle hunting, there is nothing more dangerous than a fleeting projectial [pirate]
Thanks Jerry for bring this point to attention.