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Attention BFT members, is this your boat?
Just a thought, but with the seat staked on the forward fishing deck its my guess someone knew it was sinking when it was beached. One time at Lindon harbor I had the nose on the back like that. We'd went for gas and when we got back my buddy was trying to winch the works onto his trail after an idiot at blown into the harbor and swamped mine, and another guys boat. The only thing that kept mine from sinking lower in the back than the boat in these pictures was the fact I hadnt tilted my outboard. Anymore I dont beach a boat to far up on a beach just in case that idiot passes my way again because I'm a firm believer that lightning will strike twice.

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Re: [wiperhunter2] Attention BFT members, is this your boat? - by Coldfooter - 07-25-2004, 01:28 PM

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