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Freshwater Fish of the Week Brown Trout 7/19
well thanks ya very much fer sayin i put it good, haha that,cause ya wouldnt of wanted to see the other one i put. haha i edited it and put this one. hahahaha nope, i seen too much been thru too much not to be avid about the ways i see, feel, know, use my instinvts to see where these things are goin, and my beliefs i stand on. which make me this ways. towards this inhumane atrosities. if i,n gonna go, i,m gonna go with some dignity, but these animals have no choice, who,s to stick up fer them??? i saw jakes, patches, my misty ajnes soul when htey died in my arms, and i looked into thre eyes sayin goodbye, a part died with me, ya cant tell me aby animal, that they dont have a soul, or god wouldnt a put em here fer us, be it wild or domestic, and not to be able, to go back to heaven, their souls are pure, and only know love. no matter how much thre beat by human, and yet still try to trust again with another human, tell me how hard it is fer a kid to do that after that type of life. it takes quite some time,and animals do. too after difference. only they dont have speech. it,s how we hear em talk, by lookin deep within.

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Re: [tubeN2] Freshwater Fish of the Week Brown Trout 7/19 - by patches - 07-26-2004, 12:39 PM

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