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Another day at the pig (7-30-04)
[red][size 3]I have heard lots of stories, that being one of them. It doesn't appear it has been stocked since it was drained. We fished it quite a bit the year after it was drained just to see how things went. The trout fishing was good but not much in the way of Kokes; however, USU was up there doing net studies frequently and they were pulling scads of little Kokes up. The next season was pretty good for the Kokes, but the last two years have been dry. Another story is from my Fish and Game neighbor who said he found a beaver dam up river the year after it was drained and notified the DWR, who never did anything about it. He went up on his own time that fall and busted it apart but was afraid it was to late to have done much good. That next year is when they increased the limit to 12 fish (8 kokes, 4 trout) but you would fish all day and maybe pick up an 8" rainbow with any luck - a far cry from the 30 fish days before it was drained and beaver dammed. This year there has been a pretty good thermoclime layer and my fishfinder isn't super strong to see details along it but the marks I do see are small and few and far between and the fish in the boat less than that. [/size][/red]

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Re: [acey] Another day at the pig (7-30-04) - by neveronsunday - 08-01-2004, 04:36 PM

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