08-04-2004, 07:49 AM
Well I don't think Spinney is the pike fishery it was even just a year or two ago. Unfortunatly I entered the pike tournament along with my wife's brother in june of this year. It was pathetic, most everyone was skunked and the few fish at the weigh in were skinny snakes. I talked to a DOW official who said they were using traps late last fall to get the pike out. I think there are probably a few big fish still left, but for the most part they have gotten the pike out of that lake, which in my opinion is really too bad. The pike fishing at 11-mile has not picked up this year either, not sure what the situation is there, I'm hoping it's more to do with weather than a dwindling population. It seems that everyone who catches a 30 plus inch pike has to keep it and go show everyone, take a picture and release them please. Let me know what you guys think is going on with those two lakes. Also I didn't take any temperature readings but I thought both these lakes were pretty cold for this time of year, I was at both of them over the weekend.