08-09-2004, 05:18 PM
I couldn't stand it anymore. LOL I went to RIVERWIRE and looked over the review they had again. I broke down and just ordered it. I also went to the outcast web page also. They do have it listed as 5 years on the warranty. I feal much better with a float I can actually find the company who made it. That way if I need something I can contact them. The Togiak would of been fine, but the lack of info on the net and no actuall company besides the TU name slapped on the side scared me a little. I will be setting it up similar to Tubedude's setup. I don't know which way I will setup the basket yet. I need more from the Tube club on that one(catch and release bass for tournament). I will send some picks of her maden voyage when it is complete. I still have to figure out the attachment process though.[url "javascript: addTag(':/')"][unsure][/url]