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Banana River
Flats Report for the Banana River<br>7/23/2002 Flats fishing report for the Indian and Banana Rivers. By Capt Doug Blanton<br>Fishing was slow there for a few weeks and I haven't had much to report. The good news is it is starting to pick up again. And the great news is a lot of the action has been on top water. So, for those of you wanting to get a few good shots at landing some nice fish on surface plugs you better get out there now. Please remember a few things. The reds and trout are holding in sometimes less than a foot of water and have been a little spooky in the afternoons. So, be as quite as possible, cut your motor off a hundred yards or so off the flat and pole your way in. Now is not the time for your bright colored fishing shirts and a lot of movement on the deck. Try wearing something that will make you blend in with the sky. <br>Redfish<br>All of the reds we have caught this week have been in less than 1 to 3 feet of water. The reds have been feeding more on the schools of mullet on the outside edge of the flats, and laying in the pot holes on the inside. The schooling reds have been a little less spooky but moving fast. while the fish in the grass have been waiting for than unsuspecting bait to cross it's path. This week all our fish were caught on ether the 3 1/4 inch Florida Special Rip Roller. or the Rainbow Trout Reel Magic. Keep in mind the the water has been flat and clear. Try to cast as far as possible from the boat, keep movement to a minimum and be very quite. These fish are spooky. <br>Most of the reds we have caught this week have been in the 24 to 40 inch range.Trout<br>Most of the trout we have caught this week have been in the 15 to 25 inch range and have been caught once again on ether the 3 1/4 inch Florida Special Rip Roller. or the Rainbow Trout Reel Magic. Most of our trout were caught in less than 1 to 3 feet of water. They all have been holding near schools of mullet. <br>Till next time, Capt. Doug<br><br><br>See you on the water<br>Capt. Doug Blanton<br>Indian River Adventures<br>321-432-9470

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Banana River - by captdoug - 07-23-2002, 09:18 PM

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