08-18-2004, 04:15 AM
Fault: thinking about other things when I should be thinking about my driving (more comonly refered to as driving with your head up your @##), today I caught myself sitting at a stopsign waiting for others to go first, and later realized I wasn't paying attention to who got there first.
Strength: I accelerate to a speed greater then traffic on the freeway when I hit the onramp. It is a law of physics (did I spell physics right) that you can brake faster than you can accelerate when you find a hole in traffic.
Peeves: People who drive at night on a two lane road with their high beams on and don't dim them when they see you coming, and people who can't stay left laneto left lane, or right lane to right lane, when turning at an intersection, (back in the good old day's at the P.D. I would stop people and write them for this EVERY TIME I saw it).
Strength: I accelerate to a speed greater then traffic on the freeway when I hit the onramp. It is a law of physics (did I spell physics right) that you can brake faster than you can accelerate when you find a hole in traffic.
Peeves: People who drive at night on a two lane road with their high beams on and don't dim them when they see you coming, and people who can't stay left laneto left lane, or right lane to right lane, when turning at an intersection, (back in the good old day's at the P.D. I would stop people and write them for this EVERY TIME I saw it).