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[size 1]you are right, it takes 2-3 good feeding years to make a good gill...

I pratice taking smaller gills for dinner to help thin out the heard. I know the lake I fish has people targeting prediters and keep them... So I do my part.

I am fishing commerce lake in michigan...

to get your pass word just go to the home page to log in. go ahead and log in with the wrong pass word and click enter or submit,

you will get a page that says invalid login. under where you re-enter you will see a link [#ff0000]Forgot your password?[/#ff0000] [/size][url ""][#000000][size 1]Retrieve it here![/size][/#000000][/url][size 1] [#ff0000]<-- Link[/#ff0000]

or you can simply click on the link I provided you and enter your email address and if you are still using the same email when you registered the pass word will be emailed to you.

if you are using a different email address let me know so I can get it fixed for you... [/size]

Messages In This Thread
Panfish - by lakelurker - 08-16-2004, 12:34 AM
Re: [lakelurker] Panfish - by davetclown - 08-17-2004, 02:10 AM

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