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Recent Fishing Reports for Oregon. 8/25/04
Deschutes River - Lower - August 24th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"]Deschutes Canyon Fly Shop, Inc.[/url]
RECORDED: [Image: mscloudy.gif] 68 ° [Image: blackSpacer.gif] FISHING: Fair
Fishing seems to be holding up well for those who are fishing in the AM, PM time frames of the day. Since the weather change we’ve had some good fishing for Trout midday with elk hair caddis in size 16s, and some reactions to some basic attractor patterns with a dropper fly fished wet.

Remember to check out spent flies in the foam lines in slow runs and back eddies. For the best results in the riffles and pockets use wet flies and diving egg laying patterns fished down and with a swinging finish.

Steelhead fishing is slow, but there have been a few fish caught below Beavertail Camp. Thermal Block is still causing Steelhead travel plans in the Columbia River. Fish seem to be moving OK over Bonneville, but they stop and drop, right into the deep channels seeking cold water to get revived. They’ll stay down in there until the water temperature gets down less than 70 degrees. Don’t get me wrong, there will be some fish movement, just not all that much. Give it about two weeks before fish start to get it in gear, and get up into the Deschutes in good fishable numbers.

People are wondering about the white River and if it is blown out after the rain we had on the 21st and 22nd, and it is but the Deschutes is still in good shape. It has a perfect winter glacier green color to it, and will fish just fine. all we need now are some Steelhead!! .Go to articles on my web site ([url ""][/url]) to read about Thermal Block and White River to help you understand how it affects Steelhead. Some of the questions you might have will hopefully be answered.

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Re: [tubeN2] Recent Fishing Reports for Oregon. 8/25/04 - by tubeN2 - 08-26-2004, 12:29 AM

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