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Recent Fishing Reports for Oregon. 8/25/04
Fall River - August 24th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"]The Fly Box[/url]
RECORDED: [Image: sun.gif] 85 ° [Image: blackSpacer.gif] FISHING: Great
The dry fly fishing has been very productive between the hatchery and the Falls. Adams sz 20 -18, PED's sz 20-18, Stillborn Midge sz 22-18 and a great caddis hatch will last for a couple more weeks. The best way to increase your number of hook ups is to target the fish by sight before casting. We have been doing very well with streamer patterns. Cast at a group of fish and let the fly sink to the bottom, then retrieve with short fast strips. Use black, brown, green, and white for streamer colors. An excellent dry for this time of year is a small Adams (sz20-16). Fishing below the falls has been very productive during the last few hours of light. Try fishing the down trees with a dry fly and hang on. Stop by our full service guide and retail store for up to date patterns and conditions.

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Re: [tubeN2] Recent Fishing Reports for Oregon. 8/25/04 - by tubeN2 - 08-26-2004, 12:32 AM

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