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Bull Shoals (West): 80 degrees, high, dingy; black bass fair on soft plastics; catfish good on nightcrawlers and chicken liver; walleye fair on nightcrawlers; all other species slow. (Report made on 8/18/2004)
Lake Taneycomo: 48 degrees, normal, clear; rainbow trout good on white and olive colored jigs in the upper lake; rainbow trout good on Power Baits and nightcrawlers in the lower lake. (Report made on 8/18/2004)
Pomme de Terre: 75 degrees, normal, clear; black bass fair using light colored topwater lures, brown or black plastic worms 5-10 feet deep off points; white bass slow off points and flats trolling silver or chartreuse colored jigs, spinners and blue topwater lures; muskie fair 10-15 feet deep off points, flats and brushy coves using brown or black Bucktail spinners; crappie fair on white or yellow jigs or minnows 8-15 feet deep in the stumps, around docks and fish attractors; catfish fair on trotlines and limblines using worms, cut shad, bluegill, crayfish and hotdogs 10 feet deep; walleye slow on minnows and silver Rattle Traps off points 10-20 feet deep; bluegill good on jigs, minnows and worms around docks and structure 3-5 feet deep. (Report made on 8/18/2004)
Stockton: 81 degrees, black bass fair early morning on buzzbaits and spinnerbaits, middle of day on plastic baits; white bass fair on topwater lures early morning and late evening; walleye fair drifting nightcrawlers and trolling crankbaits; crappie fair on minnows around trees; catfish fair drifting shad, shiners and nightcrawlers, fair on trotlines using bluegill. (Report made on 8/19/2004)
Table Rock (James River arm): 85 degrees, high, dingy; black bass fair trolling deep diving crankbaits; catfish fair using nightcrawlers on pole and line or by using bait fish on trotlines; all other species slow. (Report made on 8/18/2004)
Table Rock (main lake): 80 degrees, high, clear; black bass fair on crankbaits and jigs; bluegill fair on live baits. (Report made on 8/18/2004)
Big Niangua: 82 degrees, normal, clear; all species fair. (Report made on 8/18/2004)
James River (lower): 83 degrees, clear; black bass and goggle-eye good on soft plastics; catfish good on limblines; bluegill good on worms. (Report made on 8/19/2004)

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SOUTHWEST REGION - by daymere - 08-26-2004, 05:36 AM

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