08-11-2002, 04:26 PM
Mr. Goodyear,<br><br> Hello! I received your lures a few weeks after contacting you. In between Kidney Dialysis Treatments, and a stay in the hospital due to complications, I have gone fishing as often as possible. I have used your lures with very good results. I have caught good size Stripers with them, one of which was 37 inches in length. I have also caught Bluefish, Pollock, and Cod with them. In the process I have lost only 1 lure, due to a snag down below. On 2 of the lures, I experimented with changing the treble hooks to circle hooks, dressed with Maribou and a small section of surgical tubing, also to great success. I have some ideas for future finishes that I will email to you, but in the mean time, I heartily recommend these lures to anyone interested in an easy casting and jigging lure. It does the job!<br><br>Sincerely,<br><br>Paul George<br>Striper Maine-iac in Maine<br><br>"Striper Maine-iac"