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Lake Michigan Perch Season Opens
I do complain alot,

mostly I complain that Ex governer ingler had taken an elected by the people position and turned it in to his apointed pet pupet position.

but yes it is true that michigan could do better in if natural resorce efforts. they allow freight to come in from over seas with out going through quarenteen. and low and behold we have uncontrollable pest and deseases that dont belong here.

we have local munisipalities that allow the constant release of toxic waist in to storm sewers. just last year we had 4 dumpings that ran in to millions each for clean ups yet they cant find who dumped the materials. even tho these are controlled materials and corps have to account for all of its waist.

detroit officials stated they could not find the culprets because no one stepped up and offered a million dollars to catch them.... and what gets me the most is that these are the people who step up and say take pride in your community and dont enforce pride for thier community.

perps will always be perps. it is everyone responcibilty to step up and keep your corner clean.

I dont hear any thing about Wisconson but when I lived in indiana officals there stated that the southern end of lake michigan was like a toxic soup. that was near 40 years ago. I dont know what it is like there now nor do I hear any local reports from there any more....

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Re: [DrownedDesertRat] Lake Michigan Perch Season Opens - by davetclown - 09-16-2004, 03:30 AM

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