08-18-2002, 07:57 PM
The island is a subject of many rumors. I have heard them all over the years, but never heard any evidence to support any of them. The make up of the island picture wise, starting on the east side, is a slow taper up to a very shallow depth, then a sudden drop off on the west side. From the south side, it is a slow taper that is not a straight line, its curves. The north end, is very strange, I think it is kind of a delta looking thing. high at the center with a fan out. Now if that description is accurate, it would take an awful lot of tires and some serious effort to construct, definitley not a "pile" of tires, they would have to have been very arranged. If it infact was a test dike, the only explanation would be that the dike washed out to the east. Thus the drop on the west and the taper on the east. With the remaining wash out on the north and south. Personally I tend to believe that it is simply one dirt mound that existed before the bay was built. They didnt bulldoze it over and so it is there. Now that is just as much speculation as any of the others, but it is eaiser for me to swallow than that some one carefully arranged all those tires into a big island with drops and tapers before the bay was filled with water.<br><br>UNICORN CATCHER F.L.P.