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Cleaning Utah Lake filth off of my toon
[cool][#0000ff]Hope that won't be a problem at Bear Lake. I would hate to have my carefully cultured accumulation of crud flake off and pollute those pristine waters.

Hey CBR, the fabric of tube and toon covers is notorious for absorbing and retaining the nastiest stuff in the water you fish. That's one of the good things about the PVC bottom on the Super Fat Cat I kick around in. It is easier to clean that part of it.

And, to answer your question on cleaning, good old 409 cleaner will help break down the worst stuff, so you can brush it off. Use a hose to blast off the residue and the remnants of the cleaner. Oh yeah, do it in your driveway and not on your lawn.

There are also some laundry pretreatment liquids that you spray on and let soak for awhile. Most of them will help. But, that nasty sticky clay/mud from down there will require a hammer and chisel to break loose if you let it dry before you try to remove it.

Messages In This Thread
Cleaning Utah Lake filth off of my toon - by CBR - 10-05-2004, 10:52 PM
Re: [tightline] Cleaning Utah Lake filth off of my toon - by TubeDude - 10-05-2004, 11:52 PM

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