10-16-2004, 03:19 AM
I was thinking it was 3 or 4 years ago when they drained the lake, I could be off by a year but I don't think it's been five years. If they planted brood stock fish that were four or five pounds when the lake was filling they could be ten pounds by now. With lots of little planters to eat those fish could grow big but I'd have to say there can't be too many of them. Lost creek doesn't have a lot of food in it that is why they have to plant it so much, it's also the reason the fish don't grew big. You are right though, if given enough time there will always be a few big fish in any lake. Years ago I caught an 8 pounder from Lost creek that was around 27 or 28 inches, so I know they can get that big in there. All I'm saying is that most of the fish will never get big in that lake. WH2