09-08-2002, 11:39 PM
Hey Tony, congrats on graduating to "worm" status.
I haven't seen anybody else mention an obvious solution. That is to change the rear treble to a single heavy duty hook. It works on salmon and other stout fish. Why not wipers. With a good spinner bait trailer hook, with a wide gap, you get one good hook into the fish and that's all you need. Easier to get the hook out of the fish and less chance of trashing your net...or your fingers...with trebles too.
I haven't seen anybody else mention an obvious solution. That is to change the rear treble to a single heavy duty hook. It works on salmon and other stout fish. Why not wipers. With a good spinner bait trailer hook, with a wide gap, you get one good hook into the fish and that's all you need. Easier to get the hook out of the fish and less chance of trashing your net...or your fingers...with trebles too.