11-01-2004, 05:28 PM
I know what ya mean,
we have a couple public lakes by my house with two track entrances, and if you weels are of the 12 inch veriety you are going to drag your axel both in and out to get to the water, those ruts do get deap.
there is a lake by me that people have been doing power loading and it has destroied the ramp. there is a drop off at the end of the ramp hence when you reach the point where your boat becomes boyant your frame is grinding on the end of the ramp because the power loading washed away the sand from the back of the ramp.
power loading is against the law in michigan, but every year people still do it. I have seen them doing it. they make it bad for every one else and them selves. who knows when the state or governing body will have the monies again to make the repairs. and many times they go unrepaired for years on end becuse of lack of funding.
so I guess it makes sence to be kind to your environment.
we have a couple public lakes by my house with two track entrances, and if you weels are of the 12 inch veriety you are going to drag your axel both in and out to get to the water, those ruts do get deap.
there is a lake by me that people have been doing power loading and it has destroied the ramp. there is a drop off at the end of the ramp hence when you reach the point where your boat becomes boyant your frame is grinding on the end of the ramp because the power loading washed away the sand from the back of the ramp.
power loading is against the law in michigan, but every year people still do it. I have seen them doing it. they make it bad for every one else and them selves. who knows when the state or governing body will have the monies again to make the repairs. and many times they go unrepaired for years on end becuse of lack of funding.
so I guess it makes sence to be kind to your environment.