09-11-2002, 02:40 AM
[size 4]Whats this?! Are you kidding? B.L.Mack were you seriously on channel 2? And if so, what the heck were you doing there? Also whats this about being one of the beautiful people? You know that I have the best profile on this site![sly] If doug miller is looking for gorgeous fisherman, send him my way.[
] Maybee he recognized you from the wall of fame photo contest. Hey scooter, dont give up, the high pressure is moving back in and the temp is on the rise, If I am correct, you dont have a kicker motor. But the boils may return soon. I am done with willard for the year, but hook up with me next spring and we will go out an do some wiper catching. But in all seriousness mr. scooter, if you want to catch wipers, you just need to become one of the "beautiful people" like me and Bear lake mack.[