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I dont know about where you are, but here in michigan the rut begins around the time the leaves when the leaves start changing and does should be in heat when the leaves have fallen. usualy after a good cold snap gets them going.

there is realy is no set time, it has more to do with weather conditions.

how to hunt the rut, Well when I was in good health I found it most prosperus to think like a buck and stink like a buck. I would give the alusion that there was a doe in heat, then pretend to be a couple bucks fighting over her, and the better the fight the bigger the buck would be that came wondering in.

this by no means is an easy task. you need to know how to make deer calls, rattle, prep your area, it is realy a lot of work and is realy thecnicaly involved.

many times for some reason I could get them to come with in hearing distance but could not see them. I could hear them, smell them, yet they would not step in to veiw.

I have had bucks come within inches of me and snort wondering just what in the blazing was I.

to put it to you simply, a buck is no different than any male on the beach on a sunny day with a girlfrend in a skimpy bikini and you walk up to her and offer her a drink. You know what is going to happen next. well apply this principle to deer hunting and you will never look at it again the same way.

Being a trapper, I learned a long time ago to get inside my prey's head, think as they do, where would I be on a particular day taking a number of factors like time hunger temp and the clairity of the day.

I am probably leaveing you here with more questions and more Confused than you were before you asked this question. that is good, this is the beginning of the learning prossess. once you ask yourself these questions and then attempt to answer them yourself you will find the answers.

I am sorry there is no easy answer and I cant tell you what I know because well that would take half the fun out of your hunt. unless you just enjoy shooting animals, then you would be happier at a game ranch where you are garenteed an animal to shoot at.

On the tips I mentioned above there are numorus books and vidios available for picking up a few of these skills. the only other way is to go out with some one who knows it, and that is not likley to happen unless you belong to a hunt club. the old timers rairly share their best secreats.... only to a chosen few...

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Rut - by kansasfisher89 - 11-10-2004, 11:12 PM
Re: [kansasfisher89] Rut - by davetclown - 11-11-2004, 08:10 AM

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