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Seahawk 11/10
Went on the Seahawk yesterday it was like my own charter.. Had to pay few extra bucks to get her out but I didn't care.. I wanted to kill some Yellows on the Iron before they are all gone.. Took my bartender and his brother that all ways say that they're good fisherman but never fish with me.. They all ways go to Mexico to fish but hardly ever fish up here.. Left with only 8 guys with high hopes of Yellows at SCI.. Rick of course putted out to get there by daylight plus to save fuel.. Only took 15min and a bait fish was on.. I started throwing the Iron about the fifth cast I was on.. It was a steady pick all day, we never left the spot.. The Yellows were 90% between 10-18lbs then the rats came in which we released.. A few of the 3-4lb Bass started biting also.. Mixed with the Yellows were big Boneheads and Skipjack.. Yes, Skipjack on the anchor in 100' of water UNBELIEVABLE.. They were 8-10lbs too.. It was a very good day for us.. We ended up with 72 Yellows, 20 some Boneheads, a few bass and 5 Big Skippy's... Yellows were mostly caught on the Iron about 70% the rest on fin bait.. I ended up with 9 all on the Iron.. My lucky red jig caught 4 fish.. We did try to fish Pyramid but got kicked out right away.. We had flat calm seas and sunshine.. Another awesome trip on the Seahawk.. Nothing like having excellent fishing in the middle of November.. Thanks to Capt. Rick, Brian, Jimmy and MINI ME Next trip hopefully the SEA BANDIT Zomees, mini me says hi and would like to work on our boat.. CK PS My bartender only caught 2 he sucks.. A typical fisherman that has to go to Mexico to catch fish.. Sorry Mike had to say it...

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Seahawk 11/10 - by CoronaKing - 11-11-2004, 10:16 PM

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