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Scofield report 11-30

Kastmaster, I was in 16 feet of water and the majority of the fish were 8-12 feet deep. I was using the finder and the smaller fish would come through and just black out the screen. It was cool. I am working this weekend but maybe we can hook up next week.
Fuzzyfisher, I got the impression that these planter fish just hadn't dispersed very much from being planted. They were in large schools and maybe they hadn't worked their way out out of the narrow dam area into the main lake. I'll have to look up when they did the fall planting there.

Messages In This Thread
Scofield report 11-30 - by doggonefishin - 12-01-2004, 02:32 AM
Re: [kastmaster] Scofield report 11-30 - by doggonefishin - 12-01-2004, 03:29 PM

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