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2004 buck and tanning
Well I took him in to have him registered this past fryday.

Like you I marked him as a 6 point, he scores as a 5. the old antage of it will hold a ring it's a point is not how the state of michigan registers them.

The michigan ruleing is the tine must be an inch long to count as a point.

in eather case the horns are being weather dried and soon will be brought in to in front of the furnas to be air dired then he along with a couple spikes will be turned in to a coat and hat rack...

finding a peice of wallnut 2x6x24 inches will prove to be as good a task in finding as finding a 5 point deer.

any way this years patch is pretty nice....

Messages In This Thread
2004 buck and tanning - by chiefpanfish - 11-08-2004, 06:29 PM
Re: [chiefpanfish] 2004 buck and tanning - by davetclown - 12-06-2004, 07:31 PM

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