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What to do? (new ice)
The correct answer

use a spud to check the ice near the edge before stepping out on the lake.

if it is not solid then turn around and go back. in early winter ice forms from the outer edges of the lake inwards.

this is why step two is veary important, check the ice thickness every few feet as you venture on to the lake, Ice thickness can vary from 6 inches to 1 inch in just a matter of a few feet. this is why there are as many fatalities as there are every year.

over confidence on the ice is like looking down the barrol of an unloaded shot gun, (stitistics shows you are most likley to be shot by an unloaded gun than you will be by a loaded gun) well the same stitistics of falling though thick ice is the same as walking on thin ice.

most anglers take great care early and late in the seson but come mid season carlessness and over confidence results in a cold awakening.

there are also other aspects to take in concideration and that is the presents of ice shanties.

shanties tend to move around on the lake once an area has been harvested for preditor fish or if the area becomes unproductive. what ever the case those holes do take conciderable amount of time to refrease, even if the old block is placed back in the hole when the shanty is moved.

todays anglers also have now gone to using all different size holes from all the way down to 3 inch in diamiter up to 14 inch in diamiter porvided by todays augers. this provides you with a good chance of you getting a knee soaker if not the chance for a borken limb.

in the spring lakes thaw from the outter edges inwards and rivers thaw evenly across the entire river opening holes with out wornings. this is why there are a number of people evey year who find them selves floating down the detroit river. when the tempriture is just right even if the ice is 3 feet thick a fault line can become unglued and drift off out in to the lake and river with out any notice at all. and even in some cases anglers began drifting with out realizing they were moving.

Messages In This Thread
What to do? (new ice) - by davetclown - 11-28-2004, 09:54 AM
Re: [davetclown] What to do? (new ice) - by tomc - 11-28-2004, 01:52 PM
Re: [tomc] What to do? (new ice) - by tomc - 11-28-2004, 01:54 PM
Re: [davetclown] What to do? (new ice) - by ocean - 12-05-2004, 04:56 AM
Re: [ocean] What to do? (new ice) - by davetclown - 12-05-2004, 05:50 PM
Re: [davetclown] What to do? (new ice) - by davetclown - 12-07-2004, 06:44 PM

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