12-10-2004, 09:39 PM
[cool]You'll be fine, jigg-n-it. Like BLM said, you'll be sorry if you don't take them up there and could've used them. There is between 7-8 inches of ice up there. Worst case scenario right now would be maybe some slush on top of the ice, and MAYBE (but probably not) soft edges, but I doubt it. Snow is pretty good insulation, and I'm sure it's snowed a boatload up there this week on top of the ice.
Actually, on 2nd thought, maybe you should stay home tomorrow, 'cause that's the day I'm heading up, and I want more fish for me!![
Actually, on 2nd thought, maybe you should stay home tomorrow, 'cause that's the day I'm heading up, and I want more fish for me!