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Bear Lake Sat. 12/11/04 Still red-hot for whites! (and other comments)
[size 1][#0000ff]"I just do not share the passion some folks seem to have for them that makes other species sub-desirable."[/#0000ff][/size]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Now you know how I feel about some bass fisherman and walleye fisherman. Sometimes you would think that there are only bass and walleye in this state to be caught! I enjoy catching all of the many game fish that we have. Like yourself, I have learned to downsize my tackle, and the pleasure of catching the smaller species goes up accordingly. Friday, my latest (I now own three of them) ultralight spinning reel arrived from eBay, and I can't wait to reel in some whitefish, trout (through the ice at Strawberry and elsewhere), and maybe some perchies on it.[/size][/#0000ff]

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Re: [TubeDude] Bear Lake Sat. 12/11/04 Still red-hot for whites! - by kentofnsl - 12-13-2004, 12:55 AM

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