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IP Resevior
Was upon IP Resevior today at 6:; am and fished until 5:pm. Two of us limited out with some nice big rainbows. No Cuts this time and still no Cocane. We really had to fish hard to get the fish we did. Got two over 24 " two that were 22" and the rest varied in size from 18" to 22" All of the big fish were stuffed to the hilt with minnows. Non of them were in close to the rocks today. Most were in 30 feet of water out towards the middle of the channels. It was cold. -2 degrees when we got there and it snowed 2 inches on us later in the day. When we left it was only 8 degrees. We took the ice hut outtoday and the heater felt good. The cold water and air froze the holes over as fast as you could clean them out. In the hut they stayed open. Anything white and long seemed to work best. It was a great day! Keep smiling and above all keep fishing!

Messages In This Thread
IP Resevior - by kingfisheral - 12-22-2004, 02:51 AM
Re: [kingfisheral] IP Resevior - by windriver - 12-22-2004, 03:19 PM

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