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Adjusting the length of the shaft on electric trolling motor?
The depth is determined by a collar on the shaft that is fixed in place by a screw with a thumb knob. You just position the collar where desired and tighten the thumb screw. Its really easy to do while the motor is raised and stowed. The autopilot and copilot have no affect on raising the motor or adjusting the depth collar. I'd go with the 60" shaft. You don't have to have it all the way down and probably will not. It will only stick up 6 inches higher than the 54" model. The extra length is nice when the water gets rough and the waves keep lifting the bow and motor out of the water. You'll LOVE the AutoPilot!

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Re: [kentofnsl] Adjusting the length of the shaft on electric trolling motor? - by kd... - 01-11-2005, 04:43 PM

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