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Walker Lake Nevada - January 28-30, 2005
[cool]Hey there's still plenty of 3lb and unders in there, so go out and have a great time! I'm just saying that the 10lbers that used to be so common aren't in there anymore, but you guys should do well. Are you planning on fishing from a boat, or shore? If you are just shore fishing, I know where you can do well, so let me know if you aren't that familiar with the lake. If you are trolling, use flatfish in the frog pattern, or sometimes flourescent red, or silver, or something that looks like a chub. Also spoons do very well there. If you have any daredevels, or the Blue Fox Tor-P-Do (which are no longer made) or the blue fox pixie spoon, use them! They kill it there! They don't have Jakes spin-a-lures in Nevada, but if you have any, I'd try them as well. Good luck.

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Re: [Powermaker] Walker Lake Nevada - January 28-30, 2005 - by Out4Trout - 01-17-2005, 09:01 AM

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