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by lonehunter
[indent] [indent]5 gal. of pure water
3-6 lbs of unsulphured molasses
1 pkg. of yeast
1 qt. Sitka or white spruce needles or tips

Boil about one gallon of water for at least 30 minutes, then steep the needles or tips for about half an hour. Drain out the needles and add 3-6 lbs. of unsulphured molasses to the spruce-flavored water, depending on taste. (Optional: Adding 3 lbs. of Blue Ribbon hop-flavored malt at this point will improve the taste but is not part of the original recipe.) Add water to make 5 gallons. Cool the mixture to about 70° F. and add yeast. Keep the mixture at about 70° for several days, then move it to a cooler spot (about 50°) until fermentation stops. The process will take 10-14 days, sometimes longer. When fermentation ceases, the beer is ready to bottle or drink, but will improve if it is allowed to age in the bottle.
NOTE: The alcohol content varies between 6 and 9 percent, depending on the amount of molasses.

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