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Fishing Derby @ Viva Naughton
one good way to increase his catch it to tell him to be abservant of those around him, if he sees some one pulling up a fish to watch him and mimmic what the other angler is doing,

with out knowing spicificly what you are looking to catch all we can give you is basics. I am not fimiliar with your area, I would asume you are looking at trout? but that would be presumptous thinking of you fishing from colorado or wyoming.. they both have lakes with that name... if it is not the same lake stratling the boarders...

Messages In This Thread
Fishing Derby @ Viva Naughton - by FishinFu - 02-14-2005, 05:02 PM
Re: [FishinFu] Have any tips for Viva Naughton? - by davetclown - 02-14-2005, 06:57 PM

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