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Jim<br><br>Just a brief note of thanks for not only your report above, but also for your offer to take Justin Young fishing. <br><br>For those who visit this and other boards here at BFT, you may have seen the post on Capt. Dan Waugh's Saltwater Board regarding this 11 year old boy.<br><br>Justin has Luekemia and thought he had it beat. Not so as he just recently, and unfortunately, came out of remission. Some of the Moderator's here at the BFT Boards took up the cause and pursued his wish to fish with a Tx Pro Angler. <br><br>Jim was one, of a small handful, who offered to do so for free. <br><br>Many thanks Jim. We appreciate the effort and willingness to do so and I am sure Justin does too. <br><br>I have no doubt the offer, and eventual fishing trip he takes up, will make a major difference to his recovery. <br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve - The MJB<br>BFT Lures/Baits<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Messages In This Thread
JimF - by JimF - 05-24-2001, 10:47 PM
Re: JimF and thanks from BFT. - by MasterJigBuilder - 05-25-2001, 06:47 AM

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