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Wader Tuneup and Repair
Morning TubeDude et al ...

Thank you for the wader tips. I know I have to do this as well.

I have a pair of Hodgmans waist highs about 4 years old. They have been very good, but last year I noticed another small leak that needs to be addressed.

One method that has worked for me in the past is this. It may not be fessible for some people because of family or home issues. But, to make it easier to test for leaks, I put my waders ON before I fill them with water - WARM tap water(this is important) ! That way it you can do both legs at the same time and you don't have to wrestle with them to try to hold them up while they are filled with water. Don't move around too much or the water will spill over. But this way you don't need too much water to fill them because the waders are filled already with your legs. It is also important, as TubeDude has indicated, that you don't get water on the outside so you can determine where the leak is. I hope I explained this in a way that is understandable to some else besides me. Let me know if I was confusing.

I have not used that Plastic dip stuff on my waders so, I don't know how to compare it with aquaseal that I have used in the past. But it sounds like it would work great.

Messages In This Thread
Wader Tuneup and Repair - by TubeDude - 03-31-2005, 12:49 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Wader Tuneup and Repair - by Bloodhound - 03-31-2005, 01:18 PM

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