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Flaming Gorge Koke trip
Go MAN U...[Tongue]

Happy to hear about the good fishing. see ya up again soon .Iwould think by the end of the week thay will have all the dock's in and the lake will see a ton more presure.allmost time to go to boysen for the eye's .oh ya sunday we went were I told you guy's all the koke's were my girlfriend and I caught our limit in two passes but there was nothing to talk of just good eatin. did ya do better in the channel or in the shallow's?The mac's turned on again but man we could not nail eny good one's but we landed several from the mid 20's -low 30's but we had to move allover hell to find em.not like last week when we would find them then bang fiveor more over 30 the high water is making for some great change's you watch and see. good fishing............

Messages In This Thread
Flaming Gorge Koke trip - by fishluvr - 04-18-2005, 08:05 PM
Re: [fishluvr] Flaming Gorge Koke trip - by fishley - 04-19-2005, 02:50 PM

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