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Here's the magical moment you all have been waiting for... (It's official!)
i gave up seriously fishing jordanelle a few years ago. i fish mostly for trout...and their are still some nice ones in their. but, the skiiers and pwc people make it impossible. i trolled it a month ago and caught a few nice rainbows...but that will be my last trip this year. like you said, we can fish strawberry!

good luck fishing for the eyes though! personally i think their are more "trout" lakes that could benefit from walleye being introduced. as long as the bows are planted bigger they fare just fine. look at deer creek- their are some real hawg bows in their! i hope that you can have success and deal with the people!

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Re: [utfishguy31] Here's the magical moment you all have been waiting for... (It's official!) - by bkidder - 04-26-2005, 08:08 PM

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