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Here's the magical moment you all have been waiting for... (It's official!)
Everyone seems to be missing the point. Before the BB'rs start stocking lakes that have perch in them...and upsetting the natural balances or whatever balance there is in a particular lake, they need to take into consideration just what or who is eating that particular food source.

If walleyes, bass, trout, perch and humans are all predating the perch...what other food source is left to sustain the predators once the smaller perch are consumed, and the breeding stock is taken by fisherman.

Some people think there are crawdads in Jordanelle for the smallmouth, but in the past couple of years...the DWR have not found any evidence of crawdads in without the perch remaining viable and without the chubs...the predators will eventually starve. Those that survive will be feeding on each other.

There needs to be an alternate food shad or shiners put in all the lakes that have walleye.

I don't think the walleye is evil and I like to catch them as well as the other guys, but I also like to have a healthy fishery...with big fish. Like the smallmouth are in Jordanelle right now ... and Deer Creek's huge wallleye when it was in it's hayday.

I am tired of a boom and bust fishery...every time a bucket biologist decides they know more than the DWR.

I don't like every decision the DWR makes, but I have to agree with them where walleye is concerned.

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Re: [mikecromaine] Here's the magical moment you all have been waiting for... (It's official!) - by bassrods - 04-27-2005, 05:30 AM

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