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Here's the magical moment you all have been waiting for... (It's official!)
Paul -- it's not only the Colorado River Drainage. It's all drainages. Every drainage has some native species. Introducing non-native species to any drainage is becoming harder, and harder for the DWR. Sometimes, this is very good, and sometimes it is a very bad joke.

With that being said -- again, the problem is NOT forage. The problem is predators that reproduce beyond the carrying capacity of our lakes. We need to be able to control the numbers of fish. Native fish DO NOT have this problem. Can anyone name me a lake that has a problem with Cutthroat overpopulating, and eating themselves out of house and home? Now, look at Brook trout -- how often do you see overpopulated brook trout lakes in the Uintahs? You also see it with brown trout. Perch. Walleye.

I'm not asking to eliminate all non-native species. I love rainbow trout, brook trout, smallmouth bass, lake trout....but there has to be some control, and right now there is no way to control a population of Walleye. Adding more forage fish is NOT a solution. All that does is compound the problem (add more food = more prey = less food = prolonged BUST cycle.) You have to limit the predator (walleye).

That is why I do not like walleye in Utah. Wipers are a much better solution for those who want to catch a big, tasty, hard-fighting fish.

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Re: [iconoclasticPaul] Here's the magical moment you all have been waiting for... (It's official!) - by PBH - 04-27-2005, 04:41 PM

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