04-27-2005, 08:14 PM
The use of live bait fish works well in many places, I don't know about Utah because theyare not allowed here. I used Golden Shiners in Southern California and they have not ruined any fisheries that I am aware of. In the upper Midwest they are used substantially for Walleyes, and other gamefish. However, you bring up a good point with respect to the native fish that are on the endangered species list and the impact that non-native fish might have on their environment. Nearly every species of fish in Utah has been introduced with the exception of the Bonneville Cutthroat. I myself love to fish for all types of fish, they each pose unique and interesting techniques and challenges. Whether Walleyes should or shouldn't be here is a topic you can debate all day long, the bottom line is they are sought after by many anglers in the state and contribute revenues to many local merchants and state agencies that help manage our great fisheries.