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Here's the magical moment you all have been waiting for... (It's official!)
In response to the mention of June suckers in the Provo river drainage system. The last time (last year) that the DWR did genetic tests to try to find a true June Sucker. The closest they could come to a genetic match was 30% June Sucker. Which makes me wonder if there are any genetically pure June Suckers left in this drainage. If in fact there are no genetic June Suckers...why are they on the endangers species list...when 30% genetic material does not make it a June makes it a hybrid sucker. Perhaps they should now be called an April Sucker or September Sucker.

As far a Gizzard Shad goes, they do not ruin the lakes in the south or eastern part of the country. They are native to those parts.

As for putting Blue Gills in as a forage fish...that would be great...for the fisherman. Because as we all know...the minute a bluegill reaches the size of a 50 cent piece or bigger...the killem and grillem goes into effect. Look what happened to Pelican. It took a drastic limit decrease to protect the bluegill in Pelican.

The only reason Newcastle is being touted as a ruined fishery is because the trout are suffering. The smallmouth that were previously stunted are growing fat and are reaching trophy size.

Yuba is an end there is no logical reason why gizzard shad or shiner's cannot be introduced.

Strawberry...has always had chubs and suckers...perhaps if they close enough...they may find that elusive June Sucker...peacefully co-habitating with the chubs and cutthroats, and rainbow up at the Berry. Another point...if it wasn't for the chubs and suckers in the large would the trout really be?

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Re: [Bowfin] Here's the magical moment you all have been waiting for... (It's official!) - by bassrods - 04-28-2005, 02:23 AM

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