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Here's the magical moment you all have been waiting for... (It's official!)
I am suprised that no one has mentioned the aging of resiviors as a factor in fish population dynamics. It is a fact that must considered.
Yuba and deer creek are older resiviors that have lost their underwater structure that the perch need to reproduce in. Jordenelle is by comparason a new resivior with lots of flooded vegitation. That is where the perch lay their eggs. There will be a walleye/ perch boom and bust cycle. Enjoy the boom because when the bust happens it be almost impossible to reverse it. There are only so many x-mas trees to dump into the res. and Yuba needs them all.

That being said J is going to be a fantastic walleye water for a while. enjoy it.

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Re: [Bigfishrule] Here's the magical moment you all have been waiting for... (It's official!) - by Troll - 04-29-2005, 01:46 PM

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