05-03-2005, 02:01 AM
[black][size 1]This is my first post. I have been reading the board for a couple of months now and thought I might want to try the Willard Wiper Tournament so I finally got up the guts to register and now to post. Fished Ut Lake Saturday 4/30 & Sunday [black]5/1 with Fencekid971, Fishingoddess, my bro Peck & my cuz, Davis. The weather was not as bad as I thought it would be. Not too bad overall, fished all day. Little rain, dark & light clouds, little sunshine and wind but we were able to boat a total weekend catch of 21 walleye biggest 5lb 26" 2 Channels biggest 5.6lbs didn't measure it. A gazillion mudcats too many to count. Not too many people out there probably cause of the weather. Ya know how the [/black][/size][/black][black][size 1][black]Big W will force ya off the lake faster than a NY minute. Everything caught on minnows. Ran out of bait or we would have stayed longer! Here's some pics. Hopefully the shyness to post will disappear now. Would like to get to know some of you guys. [/black][/size][/black]