05-05-2005, 04:02 PM
Well, Utah Lake continues to impress me with the quality (translated - size) of walleyes. Went out to finally try the bubble since so many of you others seem to be having good luck there (thanks to you all for the good reports!). Spent about 5 hours there on Wednesday afternoon and managed to boat 3 nice 'eyes - two 19 inchers and one 25 incher and saw a dozen or so others caught. Being from Minnesota and North Dakota (where walleye fishing is pretty much the only fishing) .... I was using minnows with a slip sinker about 6 inches above the hook and a floating jig head to keep the minnow of the bottom. I missed a couple others [unsure] but still got plenty for a couple meals. Now I am anxious to get up to DC and see how they stack up!