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Bubbleup Walleyes 5/8
Headed out to Utah Lake Sunday afternoon. Waited for the winds from a passing T-storm to die down so I got on the water at about 4. Nobody else around! Caught 6 walleye (16 inches,19.9995[Wink] inches, three around 22 inches, 24 inches) 2 cats (21 inches and one bigger one- didn't measure it). Kept the smaller ones so ended up taking three walleyes and one catfish home. Tried several different colors of floatation devices but found that chartruesse was definitely the way to go!!! Seems as though they prefer about 12" between the float device and the slip sinker which probably keeps the minnows about 8" off the bottom. Was off the lake before 8. Great day - lots of action! Had a double-header twice!
These were my first cats ever - man, were they a blast to catch- especially since I use 6 lb test mono on all my rods. The second one took me at least 10 minutes to boat after circling the boat countless times and never even seeing it till right before I netted it. I would guess it went about 10-12 lbs but I let it go since I had already kept a smaller (21") to give it a try for eating. Which brings up a couple of questions - the best way to clean a catfish? Also, the best way to prepare one ( I have many tasty walleye recipes and assume they would work for catfish)?

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Bubbleup Walleyes 5/8 - by sk8heaven - 05-09-2005, 05:33 PM

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