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Shooting, Hunting Industry Increases Support for Catch-A-Dream
NEWTOWN, Conn.—A quadriplegic at just 9 years of age, Joe Griffin deals each day with the same spinal injury—and eminent diagnosis—that befell late actor Christopher Reeve. Though incapacitated from the neck down, the Florida youngster is still capable of dreaming big.
And when he dreams, he sees a big whitetail buck. Monster big. With keen, dark eyes, alert ears, and antlers jutting high and wide as the heavens above.

On a crisp morning last fall, that buck stepped out of Griffin’s imagination and into the sagebrush flat before him. Hunting partners scrambled to rotate the youngster’s wheelchair into shooting position as Griffin lowered his mouth to a special sip-and-puff tube that would pneumatically fire his rifle. But just because your hands can’t shake with excitement doesn’t mean you can’t get “buck fever.” Surging with adrenaline, Griffin shot before his wheelchair had been steadied.

Miraculously, the bullet found its mark anyway. In a moment, the record-class buck melted into the sage, as well as the last, best hunting memories of a young man who needed a dream more than most of us can know.

“That’s a hunt we refer to as our ‘Divinely Guided Projectile’ hunt,” said Dr. Marty Brunson of Catch-A-Dream, a foundation that provides hunting experiences for children who face life-threatening medical conditions. “It’s one of many good stories that we’ve accumulated from the 90-plus families that we’ve touched since our inception five years ago.”

Catch-A-Dream was launched to fill a void created when the older, larger Make-A-Wish Foundation established a policy that precludes granting a child any wish that involves hunting or use of firearms, bows or sport shooting equipment. Stepping up to provide such traditional outdoors experiences, however, is a mission that’s capturing the attention of more and more national sponsors including the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). NSSF is the trade association for the shooting and hunting industry.

“We were disappointed when Make-A-Wish stopped granting hunts. But, at the same time, it also was an awakening. As an industry, we probably weren’t doing as much as we could to help these special kids fulfill their wishes. Catch-A-Dream gives us that chance,” said Chris Dolnack, senior vice president for NSSF.

In early May, NSSF helped major sponsors White Flyer, Winchester and others raise money at an annual shotgun-shooting event in Starkville, Miss., where Catch-A-Dream is housed on the Mississippi State University campus. A golf tournament also was held. A number of entertainers and pro sports celebrities attended. For example, golf legend and 1979 Masters champion Fuzzy Zoeller was among the celebrities who shot trap and skeet. Together the events netted more than $110,000.

But “nobody embraces this fundraiser, or the cause behind it, like the shooters. This is all very near and dear to their hearts, and it shows. Far and away, the shooting event turns out the highest net-to-gross proceeds for our mission, and that’s because of the tremendous industry support,” said Brunson.

A list of the many outdoor-related sponsors is available on the Web site of Catch-A-Dream, at [url ""][/url].
“The first year we netted $15,000, then $75,000, then $90,000, now $110,000. We’re proud of that steady growth because it’s helping us with our capacity to meet the needs and desires of qualified youths who come to us with their special dream,” he added.

Brunson said the Catch-A-Dream Foundation, a 501©(3) charitable organization, allocates only 12 percent of its expenditures to administrative costs. The remaining 88 percent of its expenditures is invested directly into granting hunting and fishing wishes for youngsters. The average trip costs the program $3,000 (mostly for travel, licenses, special equipment, etc.) while an additional $6,500 in services and goods is donated (in-kind contributions from outfitters, taxidermists, meat processors, outdoor gear manufacturers, etc.).

For more information, including how to get involved in next year’s fundraiser, or how to make a special contribution now, visit [url ""][/url] or call Catch-A-Dream at 662-325-8149.

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Shooting, Hunting Industry Increases Support for Catch-A-Dream - by FishNews - 05-18-2005, 05:58 PM

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