06-07-2005, 05:27 PM
Float tubed Pineview on Saturday morning for a few hours. Smallmouth action was good until all the ski boats started showing up late morning. About 8:30 something big grabbed my little bass jig (3" pumpkin curly tail grub on a 1/16 oz head) and took off. It towed me around for several minutes. I though it was a carp or something until it finally surfaced and I could see it was a tiger muskie! Not a big one by muskie standards (about 26"), but it looked plenty big there next to my tube! It was hooked in the very tip of the snout, so I was able to gently fight it without slicing my 6 lb mono off on a tooth. It eventually tired and I was able to grab it behind the head and lift it out of the water. What a spectacular fish! I wish I would have had my camera. My son and I admired it for a bit, unhooked it, and then it thrashed once and I lost my grip. Once it was back in the water it flicked its tail, splashing water all over my sons face, and was gone. What a rush!
My first muskie. Now I want more! Addictive little critters...
My first muskie. Now I want more! Addictive little critters...